Angel in despair

Angel in despair

måndag 4 januari 2016

Beautiful minds

How come all the brilliant minds equally are troubled. 
How come that the gifted ones have burdens to heavy to bare. 
Does insight come with a price? 
Does longing equal despair? 

The most gifted artists of our time, the most sensitive people of them all. The one with direct connection to the above. The geniuses. The one that feels to much and that bleeds together with mother earth. 
They are all so precious. They are all so sacred. So why throw that away? 
Why is it they can't take this place that is far to simple for their minds, far to primitive for their hearts. 

Maybe the did what they came here to do. Show the world a glimpse of the divine. 
Writing the music, composing the tunes, inventing the inventions for mankind. 
But at heart they were oh so troubled. They didn't fit in. They weren't simple creatures. Their minds was those of masters, way to complicated and delicate to resonance with this time and space. 

They came here with their gift and the gift was given. So maybe it wasn't a waste after all. 
Maybe they were just a glimpse of the divine, showing us all what will come, when we rise above this earth plane into the light. 

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